The House's Story

Built to honor the commitment to the service all our military personnel have given us, and the sometimes complex and challenging work of “re-integration” into their communities. We have chosen to resurrect a classic Wyoming farmhouse, re-tooling it to best serve as a meeting site to support the futures of military veteran families. This house, the slow and caring work that went into its transformation is symbolic of what is often asked of our veterans as they move from their roles as warriors and our protectors, to civilian life as workers, parents, marital partners and civic members.

The space is deliberately non-clinical, homey, and driven by heart-felt intent and local labor as opposed to grant funded, institutional programs. It is our hope that members of our community will join us in reaching out to all our veterans a hand of thanks. The house was established to support a couple of established programs, but also with the intent to be a platform to meet the ongoing needs of our local veterans.

When one looks out across the communities of our county, the possibilities seem endless. But most importantly The Soldier’s House hopes to be open, accepting, and welcoming to all those individuals who have served us in the armed forces, and all who are now back in our ranks, in the civilian world. Like the retooling of the old farmhouse, the transition from battle to home can be challenging, and take some time. Each soldier must forge his or her own path back home. And each family will at times struggle in their attempts to help. We believe in the individual’s strength and abilities, and we know these soldiers who have come so far also have so very much to offer their communities back home. Every individual’s journey will enlist or invite the support of others; The Soldier’s House hopes to offer a place and a community of such support.