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Soldier’s House of Fremont County, Wind River Job Corps students partner to help local Veteran

Judy Crawford, Executive Director of the Soldier’s House, explained that the effort is a part of their housing security program, the goal of which is home repair and retrofitting to keep Veterans in their existing homes, therefore “preventing homelessness by virtue of fortifying their structures.”

The funds that they received through the Challenge for Charities fundraiser this year helped “reinvigorate” that program, with Crawford commenting they received an “amazing outpouring of generosity” in the first year they participated.

The Soldier’s House held its inaugural Fall Harvest BBQ Friday

10/6/23 - (Riverton, WY) – The Soldier’s House of Fremont County held its first Fall Harvest BBQ on Friday for Veterans, their loved ones and community supporters.

“It’s about bringing us all together,” Executive Director Judy Crawford shared about the event.

The Riverton Color Guard presented the Colors to begin this inaugural evening.

Work Starts On The Victory Garden

6/5/23 - With the help of our volunteers ground was broken on the Victory Garden on Sunday, June 4th.  Contractor Brett Foss graciously donated his time to assist TSH with the design and construction of a fence to protect the garden from central Wyoming's wildlife.  This monumental step is the first of many to come for The Soldier's House's Victory Garden project.  

TSH Attends Veteran's Fair in Dubois

5/18/23 - The Soldier's House jumped at an opportunity to attend the veteran's resource fair held at the national military vehicle museum in Dubois, Wyoming. TSH stood with more than 50 other veteran's organizations. Friends of TSH, Mentor Agility partnered with the Wyoming Veteran's commission to host the event and a graduation ceremony overseen by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon.

Soldier’s House of Fremont County becames a nonprofit, expands services

 6/5/23 - (Riverton, WY) – 2022 was a busy year for The Soldier’s House of Fremont County, which expanded its ability to meet Veterans’ needs by becoming a nonprofit and hiring Judy Crawford as its executive director.

The Soldier’s House founders, Charlie and Jennifer Wilson, have served Fremont County Veterans for about a decade, providing free, supportive, and confidential services...